Schlagwort-Archive: Archiv

Chalet Society

Lorsque s’est achevé mon mandat de six ans au Palais de Tokyo, je me suis posé la question : »Si je pouvais aujourd’hui créer l’institution artistique idéale, quelle serait sa structure, sa programmation, ses préoccupations ?« Cela fait environ 20 ans que … Beitrag ansehen

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Kommentare deaktiviert für Chalet Society

invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 3: Common exhibition…

As »invisible Zürichs« was coming to an end, the question we kept getting from the participants of our workshops and visitors to the stadtARCHIV was: »What will happen with the archive when the project is over?« This was an important … Beitrag ansehen

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Kommentare deaktiviert für invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 3: Common exhibition…

invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 2

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Kommentare deaktiviert für invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 2

invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 1

zURBS wants to make people look at and re-think their city in new and different ways. By working with a wide range of urban citizens through a social-artistic approach, zURBS aims to pose alternatives to how we live together in … Beitrag ansehen

Verschlagwortet mit
Kommentare deaktiviert für invisible Zürichs and the alternative city archive, part 1